Summer term 2024
23.04. Jessica Oberst (Vertieferstudentin)
Interplay of peptide binding and leakage: case of latarcins
Katrin Köllisch (Vertieferstudentin)
Hydrophobic gradient along the helix axis of KIA peptides:
Introducing a glycine gradient on the polar face
07.05. Xiaomeng Han (Vertieferstudentin)
Structure-function analysis of latarcin 2a
28.05. Linxiayu Ji (Vertieferstudentin)
Purification and analysis of heteroleptic bis(dipyrrinato)zinc(II) complexes
25.06. Susanna Makarski (Masterstudentin)
Curvature induction and sensing by membrane-active peptides
20.09. Erik Strandberg
Effect of helix-breaking proline residues on the structure and function of α-helical antimicrobial KIA peptides
Jennifer Baier (Master student)
Structural and functional impact on α-helical antimicrobial peptides due to helix kink inducing proline residues
Winter term 2023/2024
07.11. Ranja Al-Khalaf (Bachelor student)
Higher membrane activity of helical amphipathic peptides
by increasing hydrophobicity
30.01. Christoph Götz (IOC)
Sicherheitsunterweisungen IOC
06.02. Moritz Enghofer (Vertiefer student)
Production of PDGFRα mutants for interaction studies with E5
13.02. Daniel Gauder
Adaptiver in-line Qualitätsregelkreis in der Mikroverzahnungsfertigung
Summer term 2023
19.06. Serhii Koniev
Diarylethene-based photoswitchable peptides for inhibiting
autophagy in a spatio-temporally resolved manner
Andrii Hrebonkin
26.09. Susanna Makarski (Vertiefer-Studentin)
Peptide behavior on curved and charged surfaces
Mert Hamballar (Master-Student)
Untersuchung der Wirkung von Lokalanästhetika auf
biologische Modelmembranen mittels NMR-Analytik
Winter term 2022/2023
18.10. Lakshmi Punampalam (PhD defense rehearsal)
Examination of molecular hydrogen (H2) treatment and electromagnetic field (EMF)
radiation effects on the growth of animals (zebrafish embryos) and plants (Chlorella vulgaris)
25.10. Patrick Metz (Vertiefer Student)
Untersuchung von [KL]7 Peptiden mithilfe des Förster-Resonanzenergietransfereffekts
und Circulardichroismus
08.11. Deepak Kumar (PhD student, IPC)
Computational studies of transmembrane proteins
23.11. Julia Fix (Master student)
Improvement of the recombinant expression of pinholin in E. coli
29.11. Alexander Staub (PhD defense rehearsal)
Festkörper-NMR-Analytik an biologischen Membranen
17.01. Michel Gramberg (Master student)
Rebalanced KIA21: Influence of the balance between charge and hydrophobicity
on the structure and membranolytic activity of the antimicrobial peptide KIA21
06.02. Workshop on β-sheet peptides
Bradley Nilsson (University of Rochester, New York)
Correlating theory and experiment to understand interactions of amphipathic peptides with membranes
Cristiano L. Dias (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Using all-atom simulations to provide insights into membrane damage by amphipathic peptides
Erik Strandberg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Structure-activity studies of β-stranded KL peptides in membranes
please note: the workshop is online at 15:00
14.02. Parvesh Wadhwani
Latarcins: antimicrobial and cell-penetrating peptides from spider venom
28.03. Fernando Arteaga (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
Dynamic heterocyclic ligands for catalysis and materials
Summer term 2022
05.04. Julia Mildner (Bachelor-Studentin)
Synergie zwischen dem antimikrobiellen Peptid PGLa und Magainin 2 Mutanten
12.04. Patrick Anders (PhD defense rehearsal)
Einfluss variierender Aminosäuremuster auf die membranolytische Aktivität
des α-helikalen MSI-103
03.05. Michel Gramberg (Vertiefer-Student)
Comparison of the use of the polymers dextran and ficoll in leakage assays for
antimicrobial peptide pore size investigation
07.06. Dennis Winkler (PhD student)
You shall not flip! - a strategy for the biosynthetic production of the
lethal phage protein pinholin S2168
14.06. Rui Kang (INT, KIT) (online only)
Pt(II) complexes-based assays for small biomolecules detections in aqueous media
27.06. Amrutha Prabodh (INT, KIT) (online only)
Supramolecular optical chemosensors and assays for sensing of
bioactive analytes in water and biofluids
28.06. Andrii Hebronkin (IOC, KIT) (online only, at 5pm)
Photoswitchable Gymnopeptide A
05.07. Marcel Huhn (online only)
Membrane-mediated activity of local anesthetics: a biophysical view
Winter term 2021/2022
26.10. Kyongok KangTheo Lorig (IBI-4, FZJ, Jülich)
Characterization of field-induced dynamical states and equilibrium
phases of charged DNA-viruses: in-situ electric field small angle
dynamic light scattering and image-time correlation.
09.11. Yijue Zhu (Vertiefer-Studentin)
Structure analysis of SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins ORF6 and ORF7b
16.11. Manuel Etzkorn (IBI-7, FZJ, Jülich)
NMR and membrane proteins
23.11. Marcel Utz (University of Southampton, UK)
Microfluidic NMR for live systems
30.11. Alexander Staub (PhD defense talk rehearsal)
07.12. Marcel Huhn (Master student)
Functional evaluation of mambalgin-derived ASIC1a inhibitors
11.01. Linxiayu Ji (Bachelor student)
Liposomal formulation of gramicidin S for in vivo drug delivery
24.01. Zekun Zhou (IMT)
Entwicklung einer Mikrofluidik-basierten Eine-Kavität-ein-Peptid-Methode
01.02. Workshop on membrane-mediated activities in neuro- and psychopharmacology (14:30-16:00)
Benjamin Drukarch (University Medical Centers Amsterdam)
Bridging the explanatory gap in Neuro- and Psychopharmacology:
Reformulating the concept of (molecular) mechanism.
Stephan Grage (KIT)
Membrane-mediated activity of local anesthetics
09.02. Reinhard Fischer and Maria Mirza (IAB, KIT)
On the role of signaling molecules and peptides
in the interaction of fungi with nematodes
Summer term 2021
27.04. Theo Lorig (Master student)
Evaluation of a spiropyran derived photoswitchable amino acid
in the amphipathic peptide BP100
04.05. Annika Nutz (Vertiefer-Studentin)
talk postponed
11.05. Dilara Faderl (Master student)
NMR investigation of water at biological interfaces
18.05. Frauke Greil
Could microwave irradiation cause misfolding of peptides?
25.05. Anthony Watts (Oxford University)
The importance of water in membrane receptor function
please note: talk starts at 11:00
01.06. Natasha Dmitrieva (IBI-1, FZ Jülich)
Exploring the transport cycle of a VGLUT bacterial homolog Dgot
08.06. Mini-symposium: Cryo-EM on membrane peptides and proteins
10:00 AK Sachse (Ernst-Ruska Centre, FZJ, Jülich)
Carsten Sachse
Overview of cryo-EM and membrane biology at the Ernst-Ruska Centre
Daniel Mann
Single-particle cryo-EM of small proteins
Benedikt Junglas
Membrane remodeling by the PspA/IM30 protein family
10:30 AK Ulrich
Identification of peptide and protein systems for cryo-EM studies
Torsten Walther
Pinholin, TatA, E5/PDGFR
Erik Strandberg
Parvesh Wadhwani
11:00 Questions and discussions
11:15 Discussions about possible collaboration projects
15.06. Helena Matt (Bachelor student)
Cellular uptake of peptides consisting of alternately
polar and non-polar amino acidsinto HeLa cells
06.07. Li Tian (PhD defense talk rehearsal)
Self assembly of transmembrane peptides studied by solid-state NMR
13.07. Beibei Meng (PhD defense talk rehearsal)
Development of hydrophilic highly fluorinated labels with in vivo stability for 19F-MRI
20.07 Franco Weth (ZOO, KIT)
Mechanisms of Brain wiring using Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and
G-protein coupled olfactory receptors as guidance antennas
27.07. Nils Lakomek (IBI-7, FZJ, Jülich)
NMR studies on the neuronal SNARE proteins
Winter term 2020/2021
03.11. Leska Kirchberg (Bachelor student)
The liver and gallbladder flush
Anna Rösch (Bachelor student)
Expression und Strukturuntersuchung der Transmembrandomäne von PDGFRα
10.11. Marcel Huhn (Vertiefer-Student)
Photocontrolable inhibitors of serine proteases involved in the immune system regulation
24.11. Tim Schober (PhD defense rehearsal)
Diarylethen-Photoschalter in zyklischen Peptidomimetika für Therapie und Bildgebung
01.12. Institute meeting with safety instructions
08.12. Fabian Hoffmann (Master student)
Evaluation of mambalgin-derived peptides as modulators of acid-sensing ion channels
Stephan Grage
Probing and manipulating the lateral pressure profile in lipid bilayers using membrane-active peptides
26.01. Carlo Walz (Master student, Heidelberg)
Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorescent substrates for a NAD+–biosensor
02.02. Sebastian Otteni (PhD defense rehearsal)
Helix-Helix-Wechselwirkungen in Tyrosinkinaserezeptoren
09.02. Mei-Lin Feng (Chengdu University, China)
Electrochemical anodic construction of carbon-heteroatom bond
23.03. Erik Strandberg
CD signals of Gly residues
Laura Roth (Bachelor student)
Effect of helix-breaking proline residues on the structure and
function of α-helical antimicrobial [KIAGKIA]n peptides
Summer term 2020
22.04. Fabian Hoffmann (Vertiefer student)
Patch-clamp investigation of the activity of ASIC1 ion channels reconstituted into liposomes
27.04. Alexander Nesterov-Müller (IMT)
AI-based screening for target protein binders
12.05. Lennart Hilpert (ZOO)
Information processing and 3D organization in the cell nucleus
19.05. Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki (Head of Division I)
The visit at IBG of Prof. Robitzki has been postponed
26.05. Parvesh Wadhwani
02.06. Sergii Afonin
Current views on the cell death process
08.06. Hans Wochian
HHO – Energieversorgung und Krankheitsbekämpfung aus einer Quelle
Note: seminar on Monday at 14:00
09.06. Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki (Head of Division I)
The visit at IOC of Prof. Robitzki has been postponed
30.06. Erik Strandberg
Membrane orientation of BP100 studied with oriented circular dichroism
and solid-state NMR
01.07. Stephan Grage
Membrane mediated activity of local anesthetics
(Note: seminar on Wednesday at 14:00)
07.07. Fabian Schweigardt (PhD defense talk rehearsal)
[KL]n Peptide – Optimierung von β-Faltblatt-Modellpeptiden zur Generierung neuer
antimikrobieller Peptide mit therapeutischem Potenzial
21.07. Theodore Lorig (Vertiefer student)
Synthesis of photoswitchable cell-penetrating peptides
Winter term 2019/2020
04.11. BIF Seminar
Anne Ulrich
Stephan Grage
Anke Culetto
18.02. Lars Olsen (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
Water phase oscillations in yeast
10.03. Dennis Winkler (Bachelor student)
Characterization of the H-zipper dimerization motif in BsrG using the BLaTM-assay
Summer term 2019
09.09. Workshop on biophysics of lipid-protein interaction
9:30 Anne Ulrich (KIT)
9:35 Stefan Weinschenk (Univ. Heidelberg)
10:10 Boris Martinac (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney)
10:45 Michael Hausmann (Univ. Heidelberg)
11:20 --break--
11:30 Stephan Grage (KIT)
12:05 Anke Culetto (KIT)
12:40 --end--
09.07. Dilara Faderl (Vertiefungs-Studentin)
25.06. Anke Culetto (prize talk rehearsal)
Untersuchung der Steuerung von mechanosensitiven Kanälen durch Lokalanästhetika
unter Anwendung der Patch-Clamp Technik
Monika Grigorova (Bachelor student)
Membrane interactions of oligorarginines
(seminar room of IBG-2, Campus North)
18.06. Cai Jing (Master student)
Molecular mechanism of synergy between the antimicrobial peptides
PGLa and magainin 2
04.06. Alexander Staub (PhD student)
The exclusion zone – a novel approach in water research
14.05. Rui Kang (PhD student of Frank Biedermann, INT, KIT)
Luminescent Pt(Ⅱ) complexes for analyte-induced-aggregation
sensing of bioactive thiols
Winter term 2018/2019
19.03. Zhao Yandan (Master student)
Structural study of photoswitchable stapled helical peptides
05.02. Anke Culetto (Vertiefer-Studentin)
Research on the control of mechanosensitive channels by local anaesthetics
using the patch clamp technique
18.12. Roser Segovia (visiting student, Barcelona)
Length dependent activity of amphipathic α-helical antimicrobial peptides
based on the sequence of BP100
Julian Ingelfinger (Master-Praktikum Biologie)
Comparative activity of membrane-active peptides in zebrafish embryotoxicity model
11.12. Julia Koch (Master student)
Investigation of the membrane orientation of the transmembrane helices of the pinholin S2168
Marin Kempfer (Master student)
Role of the pinholin S<200b>2168 transmembrane helix 2 in the hole formation
04.12. Cai Jing (Vertiefer-Studentin)
Molecular mechanism of synergy between the antimicrobial peptides PGLa and magainin 2
Fabienne Gehrke (Master-Praktikum Biologie)
Aufreinigung und Strukturuntersuchung des Pinholin S2168 TMH 2 Fragments
Maximilian Klein (Master-Praktikum Biologie)
13.11. Anne Görner (Vertiefer-Studentin)
Einfluss aromatischer Aminosäuren auf die Membranorientierung der TMH von TatA
(Campus North)
06.11. Jana Wittmer (Master-Praktikum Biologie)
Length dependent activity of amphipathic β-sheet forming peptides based on the sequence (Lys-Leu)n
Jacqueline Stier (Master-Praktikum Biologie)
Untersuchung des postulierten H-Zippers in BsrG mittels BLaTM-Assay
30.10. Arnold Schmitz (Vertiefer-Student)
Antimikrobielle Aktivität von Dekapeptiden mit alternierenden polaren und unpolaren Aminosäuren
Kathrin Flick (Master-Studentin)
Orientation of membrane active peptides from multinuclear solid-state NMR
Summer term 2018
16.07. Ulla Gerling-Driessen (Stanford University)
NGLY1 Deficiency: Huge Potential of a Rare Disease
(Monday at 15:00)
26.06. Boris Martinac (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney)
Are proteins or lipids the targets of anesthetic action of Xenon?
19.06. Regine Tobias (KIT Bibliothek)
Zweitveröffentlichung von Volltexten im Repository KITopen
Marcel Huhn (Bachelor student)
Photoswitchable derivatives of a trypsin-inhibiting peptide (SFTI-1)
05.06. Yandan Zhao (Vertiefer student)
Synthesis of photoswitchable side-chain ‘stapled’ helical peptides
22.05. Volodymyr Kubyshkin (TU Berlin)
What can proline tell us about molecular evolution of the extant amino acid repertoire?
(OC Colloquium, Criegee Lecture Hall, 17:30)
15.05. Violetta Schneider (IPC)
MD simulations of biomolecular systems
23.04. Beibei Meng (Master student)
Interaction of squalamine with lipid membranes and peptide self-assembly
Marin Kempfer (Vertiefer student)
Optimization of capillary blood collection for telomere length determination
by terminal restriction fragment analysis
Winter term 2017/2018
06.02. Alexandra Friesen (Vertiefer student)
Membrane translocation of SSL-25 analogues
Patrick Anders (Vertiefer student)
Synthesis and characterization of specific 15N-labeled analogs of the EGFR transmembrane domain
30.01. Tim Schober (PhD student)
(OC colloquium, Criegee lecture hall 17:30)
23.01. Patrick Horten (Vertiefer student)
The power of tryptophan – biophysical studies of Trp-containing KIA peptides
16.01. Celine Bernhardt (Vertiefer student)
24.10. Volodymyr Kubyshkin (TU Berlin)
Is it possible to construct a hydrophobic (or a transmembrane) polyproline helix?
Jan Hischmann (Master student)
Investigation of the flipping transmembrane helix in the pinholin from the phage 21
17.10. Lev Korzhenevich (Master student)
Combinatorial synthesis of photo-controllable peptides
Christian Diel (Master student)
Photoswitchable derivatives of a trypsin-inhibiting peptide (SFTI-1)
Summer term 2017
25.07. Katharina Becker
Characterizsation of BsrG – a small type I toxin from B. subtilis
18.07. Oleg Babii
Hit-to-Lead optimization of the photocontrollable anticancer decapeptide
27.06. Agnes Csiszar (Jülich)
Fusogenic liposomes: a new strategy for breaking the cellular membrane barriers
20.06. Beibei Meng (Vertiefer-Studentin)
The interaction of squalamine with lipid membranes studied with solid-state 31P- and 2H-NMR
06.06. Hanna Zhdanova (PhD student)
Conformationally restricted amino acids for the NMR-analysis of membrane-active peptides
30.05. Nadja Guschtschin (Diplom-Studentin)
Inhibition of peptide aggregation and influence on lipid membranes by squalamine
23.05. Fabian Schweigert (Master Student)
Self-assembly and membrane damage of amphiphilic β-stranded KL peptides
16.05. Hanna Widdenlubbert (Master Student)
Membrane translocation of short peptide fragments from human sweat
25.04. Philipp Paul (Vertiefer Student)
Role of tryptophan residues on structure and membrane alignment of the bacterial toxin TisB
Daniel Tarras (Vertiefer Student)
Synthese von caged-Mutanten des antimikrobiellen Peptids KIGAKI
Winter term 2016/2017
07.02. Jennifer Dommermuth (Master student)
Derivatives of sunflower Trypsin Inhibitor 1
Christian Diel (Vertiefer-Student)
Synthesis of a fluorine-labeled dipeptide isoster
Tim Schober (Master student)
Cyclic cell-penetrating peptides with photoswitchable conformation
31.01. Jan Hischmann (Vertiefer-Student)
Rekombinante Darstellung und 15N-Markierung des Pinholins der Phage 21
Lena Steger
Conference report (1st Zing Conference on Protein Sectretion in Bacteria)
Impact of Ben Berk's recent results on our postulated Tat dependent translocation mechanism
24.01. Ayyalasamy Ramamoorthy (University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, USA)
Probing dynamic membrane-associated protein-protein interactions
17.01. Luisa De Cola (Strasbourg)
Dynamic, responsive materials for biomedical applications
Marina Berditsch
Fluorescence microscopy of S. aureus DSM 1104 treated with CF-labeled antimicrobial peptides
10.01. Annika Kohlmeyer (Vertiefer-Student)
Wechselwirkung von Squalamin mit Lipidmembranen und Membran-aktiven Peptiden
Sebastian Otteni (Vertiefer-Student)
Herstellung von Mutanten von PDGFRα für Interaktionsstudien mit E5
(Campus North)
12.12. Jakob Ulmschneider (Shanghai)
How membrane active peptides partition into bilayers
and spontaneously assemble into functional membrane proteins
(Campus South, at 16:00)
15.11. Haroldo (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Biophysical characterization of KLx β-sheet model peptides
(Campus North, at 15:00)
08.11. Nicole Jung (KIT, IOC)
The Compound Platform
Summer term 2016
05.07. Alexander Nestorov-Müller (KIT, IMT)
Roboter für die kombinatorische Synthese im Arrayformat
21.06. Jennifer Dommermuth (Vertiefer student)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Gramicidin S Hydrogelen,
sowie Fermentation von Gramicidin S
Xiaojun Xu (PhD talk rehearsal)
Protein-protein interactions in oligomers studied by solid-state NMR in biomembranes
07.06. Bernard Costello (Applied Photophysics)
Pushing the boundaries of research: exploring the capabilities and
evolution of quantitative circular dichroism with Applied Photophysics
(seminar at IBG2, Campus North)
31.05. Ferdinand le Noble (KIT)
Neurovascular crosstalk
Laetitia Preau and Alina Klems (KIT)
Fishing for small open reading frame (sORF) encoded micro peptide functions
in the neuronal system
24.05. Carolin Pyka (Master thesis presentation)
Investigation of the oligomeric state of the bacterial toxin BsrG
(seminar at IBG2, Campus North)
10.05. Aastha Jain
Cell penetrating peptides:
Mechanism of uptake and applications in human theragnostics
(seminar at IBG2, Campus North)
26.04. Marina Berditsch (Conference talk rehearsal)
Gramicidin S might be a panacea to combat infected wounds
(Talk at the 26th conference of European Wound Management Association, EWMA 2016)
Gudrun Thoulass (Bachelor thesis presentation)
Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem
Membranprotein TatA und dem Tat-abhängigen Signalpeptid
Winter term 2015/2016
15.03. Themis Lazaridis (City College of New York)
Modeling protein-membrane interactions and pore formation
(note: seminar starts at 11:00)
01.03. Janina Tolks (Master thesis presentation)
Investigation of the role of glutamine in the stucture and function of the
membrane-active peptide TisB
16.02. Igor Komarov (Kyiv)
Natural proteins endued with ’unnatural’ structure and functions
Volodymyr Lysenko (INSA Lyon)
IVth group nanomaterials for theranostic applications
09.02. Erik Strandberg (conference talk rehearsal)
Mismatch dependent tilt of amphipathic α-helical antimicrobial peptides
inserted into positive spontaneous curvature lipid membranes
12.01. Sergii Afonin
Conference report:
7th International Peptide Symposium (Singapore)
Marina Berditsch
Conference report:
Microbiology conference
15.12. Stephan Grage
Conference reports:
56th Experimental NMR Conference 2015 (Asilomar, CA) and
3rd International Conference on Circular Proteins (Moreton Island, Australia)
Erik Strandberg
Conference reports:
12th German Peptide Symposium (Darmstadt) and
10th European Biophysics Congress (Dresden)
08.12. Zekun Zhou (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Optimierung eines in-vitro Tat-abhängigen Translokationsassays basierend auf TatAdCd aus B. subtilis"
10.11. Hanna Wiedenlübbert (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Untersuchung der Stabilität antimikrobieller Peptide in der Magensäure und im Blutserum"
03.11. Katharina Becker
"BsrG - the newcomer to our group"
27.10. Hector Zamora Carreras (Madrid)
"Understanding the chameleonic behaviour of peptides derived from the"
choline-binding domain of pneumococcal autolysin LytA”
Stephan Grage
"The interaction of cyclic peptides with membranes:"
playing with molecular rigidity to explore and modulate structure and function"
Summer term 2015
30.06. Papia Sanyal (PhD defense rehearsal)
"Die Wirkung membranaktiver Peptide auf Biofilminduzierung und Biofilmeliminierung"
16.06. Anika Hespelt (Diploma project presentation)
"Darstellung und Charakterisierung des bakteriellen Toxins BsrG"
Colin Ziegler (PhD defense rehearsal)
"Wechselwirkung der Transmembrandomäne des PDGF-Rezeptors β mit dem Onkoprotein E5"
02.06. Janina Tolks (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Synthesis of fluorophore modified E5 and PDGFβ receptor peptides for the structure
determination via FRET"
01.06. BIFTM seminar at 9:15 in Mittlerer Hörsaal, FTU, Campus North:
Anne Ulrich
"Structure-function analysis of membrane proteins"
Colin Ziegler
"Activation of the PDGF-receptor by the E5-oncoprotein via transmembrane helix-helix interactions"
Eva Stockwald
"Structure and functional mechanism of the twin-arginine translocase"
26.05. Benjamin Zimpfer (PhD defense rehearsal)
"Struktur– und Funktionsanalyse des membranaktiven bakterientoxischen Peptids TisB aus Escherichia coli"
12.05. Marie Meyer (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Synthesis of ß-monofluoroalkenes that can be used as peptide analogues
for solid-state 19F-NMR experiments"
Dmytro Radchenko (Karlsruhe/Kyiv)
"Cyclobutane based amino acids as 19F-NMR labels for structural studies in peptides"
05.05. Carolin Pyka (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Application of cyclic cystein-knot frameworks in drug design -
cytoplasmic transduction properties of the MCoTI-II scaffold"
Samantha Wörner (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Spectroscopic studies of the ion channel p7 from the hepatitis C virus (HCV)"
Linda Antusch (Vertiefer project presentation)
"Contribution to evaluate the role of hydroxyproline on the structure of PeIVA"
14.04. Dirk Windisch, Stephan Grage, Xiaojun Xu, Katharina Becker (Karlsruhe)
"Recent progress on E5 and PDGFR"
Winter term 2014/2015
08.01. David Poger (Brisbane)
“All lipids were not created equal -
An insight into bacterial membranes and antimicrobial peptides”
11.12. Pierre-Alexandre Paquet-Côté (Quebec)
“Study of membrane perturbing peptides
incorporating crown ethers by oriented circular dichroism”
Christian Schwechheimer (Vertiefer project presentation)
“Synthesis of photoswitchable, CD44v6-specific peptides
for controlled inhibition of Met-activation”
09.12. Julia Misiewicz (PhD defense talk practice)
“Biophysikalische Untersuchungen an antimikrobiellen Peptiden:
Von der Modellmembran zur natürlichen Umgebung”
Oleg Babii (PhD defense talk practice)
“Photoswitchable peptidomimetics with diarylethene building blocks”
20.11. Sabine Reißer (PhD defense talk practice)
"Computational studies of membrane-active antimicrobial peptides and comparison with
NMR data”
Jonathan Zerweck (PhD defense talk practice)
“Untersuchung der synergistischen Interaktion der antimikrobielen Peptide PGLa und
Magainin 2”
23.10. Malte Drescher (Konstanz)
“Hunting for chameleons - structure and dynamics of polymorphic bio-macromolecules by
EPR spectroscopy”
09.10. Angel Cereceda (Bachelor project presentation)
“Peptidinduziertes Biofilmwachstum und die Rolle der extrazellulären DNA”
Summer term 2014
11.09. Jan Hischmann (Bachelor project presentation)
“Expression und Fluoreszenzmarkierung des Membranproteins TatC der Tat-abhängigen Translokase für einen in vitro Translokationsassay”
Doreen Adam (Bachelor project presentation)
“Optimierung der Darstellung des Tat-abhängigen Substrats SP-GFPuv für einen in vitro Translokationsassay”
10.09. Prof. Katsumi Matsuzaki (Visitor from Kyoto)
“Coiled-coil labeling method: A useful tool for membrane protein imaging”
Prof. Shiroh Futaki (Visitor from Kyoto)
“Membrane translocation of arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides and the effect of membrane curvature”
14.08 Anna Schleicher (Bachelor project presentation)
“Untersuchung des Assemblierungsverhalten von TisB durch FRET-Experimente”
Olga Kukharenko (Vertiefer project presentation)
“Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Untersuchungen des synergistischen Verhaltens von Peptiden der
Magainin-Familie im E. coli Lipidsystem”
29.07 Jean-Daniel Savoie (Quebec)
“Design, synthesis and characterization of membrane-active peptide nanostructures”
Elisabeth Vatareck (Bachelor project presentation)
“Optimierung der Herstellung des Transmembransegments des T-Zell-Rezeptors α für Strukturuntersuchungen”
24.06 Patrick Mayer (Bachelor project presentation)
“Analysis of the orientation of fluor-labeled amino acid side chains at various positions
inside peptides via molecular dynamics simulations”
17.06 Frances Separovic (Melbourne)
“Structural effects of antimicrobial peptides on supported lipid bilayers”
Marco Sani (Melbourne)
“Structure-activity relationship against bacterial membranes of a frog antimicrobial peptide”
Johanna Münkemer (FMP, Berlin)
“'Polydisperse alpha B-crystallin - About termini and finding the right groove”
20.05 Thilo Mast (Vertiefer student)
“Synthese und 15N-NMR-Strukturanalyse der Transmembranregiondes PDGFβ-Rezeptors”
Violetta Schneider (Vertiefer student)
“Synthese, Aufreinigung & Strukturanalyse von 15N-Analoga des Onkoproteins E5”
13.05 Marie-Claude Gagnon (Quebec)
“Fluorinated NMR probes for the study of membrane topology:
Monofluorinated phosphoglycerolipid membranes”
Julia Misiewicz
“Gramicidin S nano-granules”
06.05 Elena Löhr (Diploma student)
“Funktionsanalyse des Tat-abhängigen Proteintransports”
Lena Steger (Master student)
“Recombinant production of components of the Tat-dependent translocase for structural
and functional investigations”
29.04 Sabine Reißer (Australian project presentation)
“Australia report: Simulation of gramicidin S pores”
22.04 Conference report
Oleg Babii, Jonathan Zerweck, Benjamin Zimpfer
(Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, February 2014)
15.04 Xiaojun Xu
“'Distance measurements in SS NMR using REDOR”
08.04 Security information IBG-2
01.04 Christina Gottselig (Ph D Defence talk practice)
“Struktur- und Funktionsuntersuchungen der Tat-abhängigen Translokase
aus Bacillus subtilis”
Winter term 2013/2014
04.03 Shakeel Ahmad Shahid (Berlin)
“Solid-state NMR structure of a membrane proteins: Towards solving the mystery of
autotransport in pathogenic bacteria”
25.02* Rebecca Rothenberg (Vertieferstudent)
“Inhibition of peptide aggregation during SPPS”
Sezgin Kara
“Peptaibols as membrane-active antibiotics: structure-function analysis of
harzianin HK VI and alamethicin”
18.02 Sebastian Bechara (Vertieferstudent)
“Rekombinante Expression des Transmembransegments de T-Zell Receptors alpha”
Papia Sanyal
“Promotion, inhibition and killing of biofilms, the triathlon of AMPs”
11.02 Benjamin Zimpfer
“Structural and functional studies on TisB”
21.01 Oleg Babii (Conferenced talk practice)
“Switching the antimicrobial activity of gramicidin S by light”
07.01.2014 Megha Agrawal
" Structural analysis of mycobacterial Mammalian cell Entry proteins in membrane "
01.04 Christina Gottselig (Ph D Defence talk practice)
“Struktur- und Funktionsuntersuchungen der Tat-abhängigen Translokase
aus Bacillus subtilis”
17.12 Conference report:
Marco Klein
(10th Australian Peptide Conference, Penang, Malaysia, September 2013)
Ariadna Grau-Campistany
“Length dependent activity of KIAGKIA peptides”
10.12 Minisymposium on dermcidin
10:30 Introduction
10:35 Birgit Schittek (Tübingen)
“Dermcidin – an update on expression and functional activities”
11:05 Claudia Steinem (Göttingen)
“Antimicrobial peptides: Dermcidin and assay development”
11:35 Sebastian Prock (KIT)
“Large-scale recombinant expression and purification of human dermcidin”
11:50 Philipp Mühlhäuser (KIT)
“Structural and functional studies on dermcidin-derived peptides”
12:20 Ningning Gao (KIT)
”Dermcidin introduced into tobacco BY-2 cells”
05.12 Lars Wegner (KIT) Note: 9.15 in room 413, building 421, CN
“Die Wirkung gepulster, elektrischer Felder auf DC3-F Zellen:
Membranleitfähigkeit während und nach der Elektroimpulsbehandlung”
26.11 Conference report:
Marco Klein
(10th Australian Peptide Conference, Penang, Malaysia, September 2013)
Sebastian Prock (Ph D defense talk practice)
“Elektrostatische Charge Zipper in membranständigen Proteinen”
19.11 Normand Voyer (Quebec)
16.45 PROTEO network presentation, in Biochemistry seminar room
17.30 in Criegee-Hörsaal; IOC colloquium,
“Development of peptide nanostructures for sensing and therapeutic applications”
12.11 Marina Berditsch
“Assessment of bacterial respiration to study AMPs activity”
05.11 Conference report: Sergii Afonin
European Biophysics Congress, EBSA2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013
22.10 Conference report: Stephan Grage
(ENC, Asilomar, USA, April 2013)
Summer term 2013
27.08 Eva-Maria Weiss
“Gewinnung der Gramicidin S-Granula”
23.07 Stephan Nussberger (Stuttgart)
“New aspects of BAX activation in apoptosis”
06.06 John Robinson (Zürich)
“Protein epitope mimetics in drug and vaccine design”
28.05 Jonathan Zerweck
Conference Report (11th German Peptide Symposium, München, March 2013)
21.05 Erik Strandberg
Conference Report (Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, February 2013)
14.05 Günter Haufe (Münster) (Note: At OC-Kolloquium 17:30 in Criegee-Hörsaal)
“Selektive Fluorierungen als Schlüssel zur Synthese fluorierter biorelevante Verbindungen”
30.04 Ariadna Grau-Campistany (Barcelona)
“New designed antimicrobial Polymyxin B analogs has a broader spectrum of activity
and are effective against resistant bacteria”
23.04 Sabine Reisser
“Hydrophobic moments - analysing the surface polarity of amphiphilic peptides”
16.04 Andrea Rinaldi (Cagliari)
“Finding the unexpected: immunomodulatory peptides from amphibian skin”
Winter term 2012/2013
09.04 Julia Misiewicz; Conference Report
Antimicrobial Peptide Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, USA, February-March 2013
04.04 Xiaojun Xu (Master work presentation) Note: Thursday, 10.00, uni
Evaluation of the dimerization of the antimicrobial peptide PGLa using solid-state 19F-NMR
26.03 Matthias Müller (Freiburg)
25.03 Sicherheitsbelehrung IBG-2
12.03 Benjamin Zimpfer
"Structural and functional studies of the biofilm inducing peptide TisB”
12.02 Anne Ulrich
“Twin-arginine translocation: TatC acting as a proton-driven flippase on TatA"
05.02 Oleg Babii
“Photocontrol of biological activity of peptidomimetics based on Gramicidin S”
12.12 Sezgin Kara
"Investigations on phytanoyl lipids and their interaction with the antimicrobial peptide PGLa".
27.11 Vladimir (Ph D defense talk practice)
“Fluoro-substituted prolines as structural labels for solid state 19F-NMR of polypeptides”
20.11 Philipp Mühlhäuser (Master work presentation)
13.11 Sarah Flade (Vertiefer student)
Nadja Guschtschin (Vertiefer student)
“Expression und Aufreinigung von TatA-Cystein-Mutanten und Etablierung eines
Labellingprotokolls für ESR-Messungen”
30.10 Conference reports:
Sebastian Prock and Dirk Windisch
Biophysical Society 56th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, February 2012
23.10 Andrea Rütschle (ZIEL, TU München)
“Cereulide export in B. cereus”
16.10 Conference reports:
Stephan Grage
Euromar, European Magnetic Resonance Conference,Dublin, Ireland,July, 2012)
Erik Strandberg
25th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Lyon,
France, August 2012
25.9. Johannes Reichert
"Characterization of peptide induced membrane damage by different fluorimetric
18.9. Elena Löhr (Vertiefer student)
"Das Verhalten des Peptids [KIGAKI]3 in Erythrozyten-Membranen"
Stephan Grage
11.09 Frauke Assmus (Basel) Note: University, 11.00
“Lipid membrane binding assay – A new HT assay to determine the non-specific
binding of potential PET tracers”
Summer term 2012
31.07 Patrick Schuster (Bachelor student)
“Untersuchungen zur Beweglichkeit des antimikrobiellen Peptids PGLa in Membranen
mittels 2H-NMR Relaxationsmessungen”
Tamta Turdzeladze “Information about teaching WS 2012/2013”
24.07 Kristina Schkolin (Bachelor student)
“The effect of the antibacterial peptide gramicidin S on clinical
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus”
Tamara Holl (Bachelor student)
“The effect of antibacterial peptide gramicidin S on biofilm forming oral bacteria”
17.07 Sandra Unsleber (Tübingen)
"Characterisation of a thermoactive etherase from Picrophilus torridus"
10.07 Anika Hespelt (Vertieferin)
“Gezielte Mutationen im Dimer-Interface von E5”
03.07 Sandro Keller (Kaiserslautern)
“Reconstitution and folding of membrane proteins: case studies on KcsA and Mistic”
12.06 Mareike Hartmann (Ph D defense practice)
“Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen an der Gramicidin S Synthetase in A. migulanus und
der Tat-Translokase in B. subtilis”
Nico Heidenreich (Ph D defense practice)
“Struktur- und Funktionsuntersuchung des antimikrobiellen Peptids Temporin A und
Funktionalisierung von Gold-Nanopartikeln mit α-helikalen antimikrobiellen Peptiden”
05.06 Xu Xiaojun (Vertieferin)
“Untersuchung von Gefrierschutzmitteln für zukünftige NMR-Messungen der PGLa
Dimer-Formation in gefrorenen Membranen”
Olga Nolandt
Winter term 2011/2012
10.04 Marina Nagler (Master student)
“Structure-activity relationship of temporins”
Jonas van den Berg (Master student)
“Ornithine-modifications in cationic antimicrobial peptides”
03.04 Sabine Reisser
“Introduction to MD simulations of antimicrobial peptides in membranes with NMR"
27.03* Katharina Becker (Vertieferin)
“Expression von 13C- und 15N-markiertem E5_1-34 und PDGFR-ß und erste
Followed by Institutsversammlung 10.30
20.03 Marco Klein (Ph D defense practice)
"Membraninteraktionen der Tat-abhängigen Translokase aus B. subtilis”
14.02 Benjamin Zimpfer (diploma work presentation)
"Strukturuntersuchungen am TisB mittels Zirkulardichroismus- und 19F-Festkörper-NMR-
07.02 Eva Stockwald (diploma work presentation)
“Untersuchung der Homooligomerisierung des Membranproteins Tat Ad aus B. Subtilis“
31.01 Erik Strandberg
”A new definition of rho in the group of Anne Ulrich”
17.01 Conference reports:
Stephan Grage
"European Biophysics Congress, Budapest, Hungary, August 2011"
Vladimir Kubyshki
"Structure, function, folding and assembly of membrane proteins - Insight from
Biophysics, Tata, Hungary, August 201"
13.12 Clemens Heske (KIT, ISS)
“How soft x-rays can help to understand the electronic structure of molecules, liquids,
and solutions”
06.12 Nico Heidenreich
“Antimicrobial peptides coupled to gold nanoparticles retain biological activity and
show enhanced trypsin stability”
29.11 Conference reports
Sergii Afonin
"4th BioNanoSpec, Cluj-Napoca, Roumania, September 2011"
"17th International Biophysics Congress (IUPAB) & 12th National Biophysics
Congress, Beijing, China, October-November 2011"
22.11 Tamta Turdzeladze
“Facebook for Scientists”
Information and discussion about “3D-cave”
08.11 Conference reports:
Jochen Bürck
(CD2011, 13th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy (formerly
known as the International Conference on Circular Dichroism), Oxford, UK, July 2011)
Nico Heidenreich
(Environmental Nanotechnology Conference, Waterville Valley, NH, USA, May - June,
2nd German French Workshop on NanoScience, Landau, August - September 2011)
25.10 Conference reports:
Erik Strandberg
(Euromar, European Magnetic Resonance Conference, Frankfurt am Main,
August 2011)
Dirk Windisch
(HGF-symposium Structural Biology, Hamburg, September 2011)
18.10 Raffaele Ciriello (Vertieferstudent)
“19F-NMR Structural Analysis Of Antimicrobial Peptide BP100 In Oriented Lipid Bilayers”
Jonas van den Berg (Vertieferstudent)
“Strukturanalyse von BP100 und seiner CF3-Bpg Analoga mittels CD- und OCD-
Lab safety and security information
(Sicherheitsbelehrungen für das Chemie- und Genlabor)
- Tamta Turdzeladze: allgemeine Laborsicherheit
- Dirk Windisch: Genlabor S1
- Marina Berditsch: Genlabor R2
08.09 Boris Martinac (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney)
Note: Thursday, 13:00, at university
“In search of novel antibiotics by targeting bacterial mechanosensitive channels
06.09 Marina Nagler (Vertiefer student)
“Optimierung des antimikrobiellen Peptids Temporin SHf
Ratan Kumar Rai ( Lucknow, India)
“Measurement of 15N-13C heteronuclear dipolar couplings for high resolution solid state
NMR spectroscopy of aligned proteins”
Summer term 2011
19.08 Manuel Etzkorn (Harvard) Note: Friday 14.00 at university
“NMR strategies to study (membrane-) protein folding and function”
16.08 Stephan Grage (Conference talk practice)
“Crowding of membrane proteins and peptides”
Thomas Jäger (Bachelor work presentation)
“Einfluss der Peptidantibiotika Gramicidin S und Polymyxin B auf die verschiedenen
Arten des bakteriellen Wachstums” or
“The effect of the antimicrobial peptides gramicidin S and polymyxin B on the different
modes of bacterial growth”
26.07 Cathleen Holze (visiting student)
“Internalization studies of G-protein coupled receptors of class B”
07.06. Gustavo Fuertes (EMBL, Heidelberg)
"Baxα5 in lipid membranes: structure, assembly and pore formation"
31.05 Gregor Meyers and Daniel Aberle (Tübingen)
The Mistery of the Pestivirus Erns Protein.
Part 1: Virology and cell biology (Gregor Meyers)
Part 2: Protein Biochemisty (Daniel Aberle)”
24.05 Marcel Zeitler (Diploma work presentation)
“Untersuchung der Orientierung von E5 und der Transmembrandomäne
des PDGF Rezeptors β mittels Festkörper-NMR"
10.05 Prof. Roland Brock (Universität Nijmegen)
“The biochemistry and cell biology of arginine-rich cell penetrating peptides”
03.05 Urmas Roostalu (ITG)
“Molecular toolbox for muscle cell repair”
Winter term 2010/2011
29.03 Susanne Fanghänel (Ph D defense talk practice)
“Title to be announced”
22.03 Sezgin Kara (Vertieferpraktikant)
“Synthese von 19F-markierten Prolinen für strukturelle Untersuchungen
mittels Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie”
15.03 Conference reports
Parvesh Wadhwani
6th German Peptide Symposium, Berlin, March 2011
Erik Strandberg
Biophysical Society 55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA, March 2011
01.03 Julia Misiewicz
“pH-dependence of the behavior of PGLa in lipid membranes”
15.02 Erik Strandberg
“Insertion of amphipathic helices into membranes
depends on the spontaneous curvatur of the lipid system”
(Practice of conference talk at the Biophysical Society
55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 2011)
08.02 Colin Ziegler (Vertieferpraktikant)
“Untersuchung homophiler Protein-Protein-Interaktionen von E5 und PDGFR mittels
Conference reports
Vladimir Kobyshkin
(20th ACS Winter Fluorine Conference, St Pete Beach, Florida, USA, January 2011)
Stephan Grage
(Bilayers at ILL 2011, Grenoble, France, January 2011)
01.02 Dirk Windisch and Sebastian Prock
Conference report
Sergii Afonin
(5th International Peptide Symposium in conjunction with the 47th Japanese Peptide
Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, December 2010)
18.01 Silke Hoffmann (Ph D defense talk practice)
Torsten Walther (Young Investigator Group grant talk practice)
“Strukturaufklärung der Proteintranslokase Tat”
14.12 Sebastian Prock
“Charge zipping the three kingdoms of life - the programme ‘SEQUENZ’
as a tool to identify mirror motifs in proteins”
Vladimir Kubyshkin (Conference talk practice)
07.12 Ronald Lochte
“Structure and dynamics of PGLa determined by solid state NMR”
30.11 Papia Sanyal (Vertiefungspraktikantin)
“Strukturanalyse des zellpenetrierenden Peptids Transportan-10 mittels
(orientierter-) Zirkulardichroismus- und 19F-Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie”
23.11 Nico Heidenreich
“Structure analysis of the short cationic antimicrobial peptide Temporin A
using solid state 19F-NMR spectroscopy”
16.11 Parvesh Wadhwani
“19F-NMR structure analysis of antimicrobial peptide (KIGAKI)3”
26.10 Jan Roll
“Interaction of CPPs and AMPs with lipid membranes investigated
by fluorescence spectroscopy
19.10 Johannes Reichert
“Synergy of PGLa and magainin 2 studied with lipid vesicles”
12.10 Conference report
Marco Jan Klein, Stephan Grage, Erik Strandberg
(25th Int. Conf. on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems,
August 2010)
Tamta Turdzeladze
“Information about teaching WS 2010/2011”
Summer term 2010
09.09 Boris Martinac (Sydney, Australia) Note: at university Thursday 16.00!
“Structure and function of bacterial mechanosensitive channels”
24.08 Petri Kursula (Hamburg) Note: At IBG-2, 10.00
“Structural studies on membrane-associated proteins of the myelin sheath”
17.08 Ana Garcia
“Regulation of apoptosis by Bcl-2 proteins. A single molecule approach”
03.08 K. V. Ramanathan (Bangalore)
“A tale of two techniques: cross-polarisation and magic angle spinning applied to oriented partially ordered systems”
27.07 Conference reports
Sergii Afonin, Claudia Muhle
(World Wide Magnetic Resonance 2010 (joint EUROMAR 2010 and 17th ISMAR Conference, Florence, July 2010)
20.07 Eva Stockwald (Vertieferstudentin)
“Klonierung und Aufreinigung verschiedener CPP-Cre-Fusionsproteine”
05./06.7. Vortragsveranstaltung
im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens zur Besetzung der W3 Professur “Chemische Biologie“
15.06 Silke Hoffmann
“New insights into the structure of the transmembrane domain of the PDGFß-receptor”
Katja Koch prel (Ph D defence talk)
“Strukturuntersuchungen antimikrobieller Peptide an biologischen und artifiziellen Membranen”
25.05 Gustavo Fuertes (Valencia)
“Baxa5 at lipid membranes: Structure, assembly and pore formation”
Katrin Liffers (Vertiefungspraktikantin)
“Title to be announced”
18.05 Ronald Lochte
“NMR relaxation measurements on PGLa”
11.05 Olga Nolandt
“Introduction to atomic force microscopy (AFM) on lipid bilayers and membrane proteins”
03.05 Gottfried Otting (Australian National University, Canberra)
“Lanthanide labeling for structural biology by NMR spectroscopy”
04.05 V. Anbazhagan (Univ Mainz)
“Following transmembrane helix-helix interactions”
20.04 Mareike Hartmann
“Damage of the bacterial cell-envelope by the antimicrobial peptides Gramicidin S and PGLa as revealed by TEM and SEM”
Winter term 2009/2010
15.09 Video seminar:
“Cane Toads” movie (45 minutes)
29.09 NMR hardware discussion
06.10 Conference reports
Erik Strandberg
(Euromar (European Magnetic Resonance Conference), Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2009)
Stephan Grage
(Gordon Research Conference on Cellular Osmoregulation & Mechanotransduction,
Biddeford, Maine, USA, July 2009)
Igor Jakovkin
(6th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix, France, September 2009)
20.10 Conference reports
Jochen Bürck
(CD 2009 – 12th International Conference on Circular Dichroism & ISBC – 5th
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Biological Chirality, Brescia, Italy, August-September 2009)
Silke Hoffmann, Claudia Muhle, and Dirk Windisch
(Signal Transduction and Disease, Aachen, September 2009)
27.10 Viktoria Tröster (Vertieferpraktikantin)
Joachim Wollner (Vertieferpraktikant)
10.11 Tamta Turdzeladze
“Investigations of the membrane proteins MscL and TCR”
17.11 Conference reports
Vladimir Kubyshkin
(11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Vienna, Austria,
August 2009)
Parvesh Wadhwani
(5th Peptide Engineering Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, October 2009)
01.12* Evgeniy Dubrovin (Moscow State Univ)
“Applications of atomic force microscopy in biology and biochemistry”
08.12 Christian Mink (PhD defense practice)
15.12 Jochen Bürck