Group seminars of the Ulrich group
Our weekly group seminar takes place on Tuesday at 10:00 in the seminar room of the group at Campus South in the Institute of Organic Chemistry on the 5th floor, or at Campus North in the Institute of Biological Interfaces IBG-2.
All seminars are in the real world, unless stated otherwise.
04.03. Rebecca Ernst (Vertieferstudentin)
11.03. Christoph Götz
Safety instructions
Note: seminar at 12:00
18.03. Mark Herbert (Vertieferstudent)
Fluorescence-based studies of self-assembly of two
amphipathic model peptides in membranes
Farewell Gabriele Buth
Note: seminar at IBG-2, Campus North
01.04. Mark Herbert (Vertieferstudent)
Fluorescence-based studies of self-assembly of two
amphipathic model peptides in membranes (continuation)